In the vernacular it is said “a herb has grown against everything” - and rightly so, because the knowledge about tea herbs and their effects has been proven for centuries and is successfully used in naturopathic medicine as well as in modern pharmacy.
Our unique and fine selection of 49 ingredients makes the 7x7 herbal tea particularly mild and digestible. At the same time, it effectively and naturally supports a healthy, balanced acid-alkaline balance.
With its harmonious recipe of carefully selected herbs, seeds, spices, roots and blossoms, the 7x7 herbal tea is a proven companion in everyday life. It creates extraordinary moments of enjoyment in which you benefit from the entire "orchestra" of its plant substances with all their secrets and all their energy for your sustainable well-being.
Der "MIX" Döner besteht aus Hähnchenfleisch und Putenfleisch, das in dünnen Scheiben geschnitten und abwechselnd übereinander gesteckt werden. Durch das Zusammentreffen zweier Geflügelarten und einer speziell für diese Kombination zubereiteten Gewürzmischung entsteht wiederum ein eigener Genuss auf einer leichten Basis.
Diesen Döner gibt es in den Gewichtsklassen: 8 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg und dann jeweils in 5 kg Schritten bis 120 kg.